When you have a phone sex session, do you want the Mistress to masturbate on the phone with you? Does her masturbation add to the call or not? Delia and Olivia share what they do in this erotic podcast snippet, and what they say just might surprise you!

Olivia:  Welcome to the weekly hotspot. Kink conversation BDSM advice, insight from the World of Distance Domination and phone sex. We are your hosts, Mistress Delia and I’m Miss Olivia.

Delia: We have got something for you. We love your participation in our podcasts. We will be bringing you a series of shorts, but sexy, naughty, fun and sometimes dirty questions. We want you to give us feedback. We want you to leave us blog comments because we value and want your interactions. And for us, we like to ask each other questions. So I bet Ms Olivia has a question for me.

Olivia: Oh, when you’re on a phone, sex co, do you ever masturbate? I do.

Delia Olivia Hot Spot Snippet 800-601-6975Delia: I love to masturbate on the phone from time. You know, not if I’m like doing something well maybe. I don’t know. I, I masturbate more frequently than people would think.

Olivia: Oh, do you not tell them that your master times masturbate in secret? Yes. Oh my God, I didn’t realize that about you.

Delia: Yeah.

Olivia: Because, okay, so I do it because I don’t want to break up his enjoyment of the call or the flow of the call or what’s happening on the call. If I say, Oh my fucking God, I’m about to come. You know, I don’t, I don’t want to break it up, but I just get like really quiet and just this little ahhh. Oh wait.

Delia: Yeah. I hold my breath just a little bit at the end when I’m getting the orgasm, when I’m having that orgasm, and then I exhale and I can usually make that exhale sound just sexy. Like it’s part of the call. Little secrets, little secrets.

Olivia: Oh, we’re telling all of our fun sex secrets.

Delia:  So now you get to weigh in. Do you think that mistresses should masturbate on the phone? Do you think it takes away from your call or do you think it adds to your call? Head over to our blog though, weekly hotspot.com and leave us some wonderful blog comments and answers to these questions on this week’s post. And when you’re done that, listen to what mistress Olivia says next and do that too.

Olivia:  We know that a lot of people in listening via Apple podcast, please subscribe to the weekly hotspot podcasts like it. Leave a review on iTunes.  You will find this link and others in the full transcript of the episode on our blog, the weekly hotspot.com

Delia: You can also follow us on social media on Twitter: @mistressdelia and @mistressolivia1

You can subscribe to and read our blogs. I am www.begformistress.com and Olivia is www.experiencedmistress.com

Feel free to drop us an email. Delia@enchantrixempire.com or Olivia@enchantrixempire.com

Remember, leave us blog comments on www.theweeklyhotspot.com each and every week. You never know what will inspire us to do a new show.

Bye everybody.

Olivia: Bye.